Privacy Policy

We value the trust placed in use by You, and therefore, we follow the highest standards of privacy guidelines to protect the information shared by You with us.

This Privacy Policy governs the use of Personal Information and other confidential information shared with or collected by Textotaxi Inc. from the subscribers of our Cloud Service. This Privacy Policy is subject to change from time to time without any written notice to You. Please review the Privacy Policy from time to time to be updated with the latest changes and modifications.

By subscribing to the Cloud Services, You agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use available at

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information, Contact List, And Files(Photos).

Generic Information/Financial Information

We collect Your Personal Information or Contact Information and photos on your registration and making a ride. In the case of an individual, We collect information with respect to Your name, email, mobile, address, IP address, etc. Based on Your Subscription plan, Textotaxi uses Stripe as a gateway payment provider that requires information on your phone number and apps installed on your device to ensure a secure and successful payment. Textotaxi does not collect any financial information. Stripe
collects your first name, last name, card number, card verification code, and expiry date.
We collect information to provide You with a safe, efficient, smooth, and customized experience. This allows Us to provide services and features that most likely meet Your needs, and to customize the Cloud Services.

Except as provided herein, We do not solicit any Sensitive Information about You. However, if You share such information with Us voluntarily, We will not be liable for any actions, claims, costs, expenses, or other liabilities that may arise as a consequence of any unauthorized use or misuse of such information.

If You choose to post messages on our site or leave feedback, We will collect the information You provide to Us. We retain this information as necessary to resolve disputes, provide customer support, and troubleshoot problems as permitted by law.

Address Book Contacts. You may set your device permissions to grant Textotaxi Inc. access to your contact lists and direct to access your contact list to create an SOS and send it to your emergency contacts, for example, to help you refer friends to Textotaxi Inc. If you do this, we will access and store the names and contact information of the people in your address book.

We identify and use Your IP address to help identify Your geographic location and to administer the Cloud Services.

Cookies, Web Beacons, and Other Similar Technologies

As clearly described in the Cookie Policy of Textotaxi Inc., we use cookies and the like (e.g., device identifiers, web beacons, and pixels) to recognize you and/or your device(s) on, off, and across different devices.

You will always have an option not to provide certain information and can choose to opt out of the provision of certain information.

We use the Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, referring URL, files accessed, errors generated, time zone, operating system, and other visitor details collected in our log files to analyze the trends, administer the website, track visitor's movements, and to improve our website. We link this automatically-collected data to other information We collect about you.

2. Disclosure of Personal Information with Third Parties

 We may disclose Your Personal Information to third parties strictly on confidential terms. We may disclose such information to third parties to provide You access to Cloud Services, to comply with Our legal obligations, to enforce Our Terms of Use, or to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities using the Cloud Server.

In the event of any requirement by court order, government, or quasi-government agency to disclose Your Personal Information, We will disclose information as may be legally required. We may also disclose Your Personal Information if We, in good faith, believe that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal processes.

In the event Textotaxi Inc. is merged with or acquired by another company or in case of reorganization or restructuring of the business, Our affiliates and We will share Your Personal Information, wholly or in part, with another business entity.

3. Security and Compliance with Laws

We strive to protect Your Personal Information against unauthorized disclosure, misuse, unlawful use, modification, loss, or destruction. We take all reasonable measures and precautions, as per standard industry practices, to keep Your Personal Information confidential. We ensure compliance with all applicable laws including but not limited to Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules.

4. Amendments

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure compliance with applicable laws (“Updated Terms”). The Updated Terms shall be effective immediately and shall supersede these the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will not be under an obligation to notify you of any changes to this Privacy Policy. You shall be solely responsible for reviewing the Privacy Policy from time to time for any modifications. By continuing to subscribe to the Cloud Services after the Updated Terms have been published, You affirm Your agreement to the Updated Terms.

5. Contact Us

If You require any information or clarification regarding the use of Your Personal Information or this Privacy Policy, You can contact us at

